For the first time in American history, we have a President that is ignoring his oath of office, that does not respect nor uphold the Rule of Law, that disrespects the history of the USA, that dishonors our forefathers and their accomplishments, that is an avowed racist, that does not believe in the God of our fathers, that betrays our country everytime he leaves it, that disrespects a symbol of our country -- the American Flag, that is doing everything in his power to OVERTHROW the United State of America and WE DO NOTHING.
Mr. Obama does not consider himself bound by the Constitution of the United States. Long before 2008, when he was beginning in Chicago politics, he stated publicly that he found our Constitution frustrating and limiting. Why on earth should anyone act surprised now that he is having the opportunity to act on what he has always believed?
We MUST speed up the process of comprehension if we care about the United States of America. At this rate, we will still be discussing “does he REALLY not like us, or is he just pretending???” long after the memorial service for the Stars and Stripes has been held.
Mr. Obama cannot be trusted with the country or the constitution, which are inseparable. In fact, he simply can not be trusted. His method is to lie first, deny second and blame history for his failures. He is an elitist. He genuinely believes that he knows better than the rest of his fellow citizens what is good for them. No one should be surprised at what he does and tries to do. Our problem is we are allowing it to happen…yes, we are the ones to blame. This is our country. Where is our common sense? It is obvious that he was not born and reared here. He, simply, does not have the same love for this land that we do. Why should he?
His being in office is our legacy for not investigating, for being uninformed, and letting the press get in our way. The press seems to be bought and paid for in their opinions and how they report things. Freedom of our country and constitution are at stake.
Mr. Obama will not be deterred in his thinking. Unfortunately, at least 52% of American voters thought that Mr. Obama knows better than they themselves do for what is good for them. This is a frightening change in our cultural psyche, but you need look no further than what America watches on television, and the miserable wretches that a large part of the populace worship as “heroes” (think MJ) to see why they view Obama as a messiah. Pitiful! Pathetic!
And to think, Obama defeated a man who spent five years in a Vietnamese prisoner of war camp to prove his mettle and his devotion to this country. Actions always speak louder than words, no matter how eloquent the speaker. We have now had a chance to see Mr. Obama’s actions. They are screaming at us, I HATE AMERICA! I WON. I WILL DESTROY YOU!
Can we please stop acting surprised/puzzled/unbelieving/baffled and start taking this villain at face value–and respond to this clear and present danger?
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