- He nearly socialized health care.
- He almost closed the military prison at Guantanamo Bay.
- He won a Nobel Prize.
- He tried to get the Olympics for Chicago.
- He bowed down before the Saudi King and the Emperor of Japan.
- He's made "nice" with radical Islamic purveyors of human destruction.
- He made hundreds of speeches.
- He acquired a book from Hugo Chavez.
- He is going to "fix" the banking system as soon as he figures out how this "free enterprise" system works.
- He got a dog for the White House.
- He tried to hold unemployment below 8%.
- He's successfully blocked all inquiries regarding his academic records, birth records and professional accomplishments.
- He's had 24 days of vacation and made some very interesting and exciting business trips.
- He supported the government take-over of GM and Chrysler -- how are sales going?
- He continues to borrow the USA into a debt burden that we all know is BAD BUSINESS and unsustainable!
Not so good, Mr. President.
Let me think 1) a good President serving only one term, 2) a mediocre president serving two terms, 3) a mediocre president serving only one term, or . . . is there a fourth option? How about a failed presidency 2 years into the first term?
Is being incompetent grounds for impeachment?
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