- Abortion NoCenter for Bio-Ethical Reform's pro-life truck-billboard campaign
- Accuracy in AcademiaRestoring traditional academic ethics in our universities
- Accuracy in Media "Your Watchdog of the News Media"
- Alliance for American Manufacturing What's more patriotic than American Jobs!
- The American Cause Pat Buchanan's group: To put our own country, America, first
- American Conservative Union Supporting capitalism, the original intent of the Constitution, traditional moral values, and a strong national defense.
- American Economic Alert U.S. Business and Industry Council's project: fighting for American companies and jobs
- American Life League Pro-life group dedicated to protecting the sanctity of life from conception
- American Patrol Report Reporting on the Border.
- American Policy CenterExposing the truth on "global warming", Goals 2000, & more
- American Land Rights AssociationDefending YOUR land rights
- Americans Against World EmpireOpposing U.S. war with Iraq, Kosovo, etc.
- Angola Freedom Fighters (UNITA) Founded by Dr. Jonas Savimbi
- AntiWar.comCommittee Against U.S. Intervention
- Association of American Physicians and SurgeonsExcellent info on threats to freedom in health care
- Becket Fund for Religious Liberty Legal support for religious freedom
- Boycott the Communist Chinese OlympicsSign the petition
- Congressman Roscoe BartlettA Maryland Congressman fights for your rights
- John Birch SocietyFighting the New World Order and threats to individual liberty
- California Coalition For Immigration Reform Fighting illegal immigration
- Campaign For Liberty Ron Paul's grassroots organization
- CATS--Citizens for an Alternative Tax System Abolish the IRS! Enact a sales tax
- Center for Immigration Studies Research & analysis of the economic & social impacts of immigration
- China E-Lobby Excellent reporting on China
- Christian Boys' and Men's Titanic SocietyPortraying the story of the Titanic as it really happened
- Christian Coalition
- Christian Exodus Establishing a constitutionally limited government founded upon Christian principles
- Citizens for a Sound Economy (Freedom Works) Pro-economic liberty group
- Citizens for Term Limits Supporting a Constitutional amendment limiting Congressional terms
- Citizens United Exposing Clinton scandals
- Claremont InstituteUsers Guide to the Declaration of Independence
- The Coalition to Save Manned Space Exploration Learn how to save the space program
- Collegiate NetworkLinks to dozens of conservative Student Newspapers!
- Competitive Enterprise Instituteadvancing free enterprise and limited government
- Concerned Women for AmericaThe nation's largest pro-family women's organization
- Consumer FreedomFighting for Consumer Choice
- Daily Paul Ron Paul Supporters - Forums
- Day Cares Don't Care Educating parents about the dangers of daycare, pre-school, government care, etc.
- Declaration Foundation Alan Keyes' Organization
- Eagle Forum Phyllis Schlafly's famous pro family organization
Eagle Forum's "modern education" glossary What do "Values Clarification", "School-to-work", etc. really mean?
Education Reporter - at Eagle ForumHow our schools are betraying and drugging our children
Eagle Forum CollegiansEagle Forum's campus organization - Faith and Action Supporting the Ten Commandments
- Federation for American Immigration Reform Citizen lobbying group against illegal and unlimited immigration
- Foundation for Individual Rights in EducationWorking to restore individual liberty and responsibility to universities
- Free Congress Foundation Protecting America's culture and Constitutional liberties
- Free John Thoburn Fighting for property rights against zoning tyrants
- Free Republic Activism and information! Thousands of daily postings: read and participate.
- Foundation for Moral Law Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore "the 10 Commandments judge", and his organization
- Freedom Works Dick Armey's Tea Party Group
- Frontiers of FreedomSen. Malcolm Wallop's property rights group
- Future of Freedom Foundation Libertarian organization "spreading ideas on freedom"
- Georgie Anne Geyer's Newspaper Columns
- Gun Owners of America Protecting your Second Amendment rights(Lots of gun links!)
- The Heritage Foundation Research & promotion of conservative policies to key decision makers
- High FrontierHow to protect America from nuclear missile attack
- Home School Legal Defense Assoc.Protecting the right to home school your children
- Howard Phillips' Blog
- Human Rights Olympic Torch Relay Participate in promoting freedom and human rights in China
- Independent Institute Enlightening ideas for public policy Independent Review- Publication
Liberty TreeConservative books & products from the Independent Institute - Impeachment:Our Impeachment Page has info, votes & links on the issue
- Initiative & Referendum InstitutePromoting Initiative and Referendum for all Americans
- Insight MagazineConservative investigative magazine
- Jews For The Preservation of Firearms OwnershipGreat educational info
- Judicial WatchUncovering government corruption, supporting judicial reform
- "Land Mine" LegislationBy Claire Wolfe Tyrannical laws which the GOP Congress passed
- Leadership InstituteTraining conservatives for leadership
- Liberty FundPublishers of many books on freedom
- Life Site News Pro Life news, action & commentary.
- Made in U.S.A. American manufacturer Jack Davis' organization promoting American jobs.
- March for Life Supporting a Human Life Amendment and organizers of the March for Life held in Washington D.C. every January.
- Michelle Malkin Conservative Columnist
- Minuteman Civil Defense Corps Protecting the border with volunteer patrols and fence-building, founded by Chris Simcox.
- Minuteman Project Educational and action organization to protect the border, founded by Jim Gilchrist
- National Center for Public Policy Research A resource on many key issues
- National Legal and Policy Center Exposing corruption with 9/11/01 fund usage, Jesse Jackson, Legal Services Corp., etc.
- National Retail Sales Tax AllianceAbolish the income tax forever, replacing it with a sales tax
- National Right to Work CommitteeProtecting workers against union coercion
- National Security Center A lot of info on Red Chinese influence at the Panama Canal
Panama's "Law Number 5" NSC provides full text of law which gives Huchinson Whampoa extraordinary powers at the Panama Canal - Michael New's Official Site A brave U.S. soldier challenges illegal U.N. command
- NAU WarRoomOur new North American Union / SPP / NAFTA Superhighway website
- Oliver North's Radio Show
- Panama Canal: Our Panama Canal Page has lots of info & links on the Canal and the Chinese threat
- Congressman Ron Paul"Project Freedom"
- Persecution ProjectFighting the persecution of Christians in Sudan and other countries
- Presidential Decision Directive 25 (PDD 25) Public summary at Michael New's site
- Public Service Research Foundation Studying the impact of government unions
- Radio AmericaThe nation's 24-hour conservative radio network
- Michael ReaganRonald Reagan's son's site
- Religious Freedom Coalition Promoting religious freedom & family values. Chairman, William Murray
- Republican National Coalition for Life Fighting pro-abortion policies of GOP
- The Right Side of the WebWell known conservative web site
- Ron Paul Forum Activist Forum
- Ron Paul ForumsActivist Forums
- Rush Limbaugh -the official site
- The Rutherford Institute Defending religious freedom
- Save American Jobs Jack Davis' excellent organization opposing job-destroying trade treaties
- Send Them A Message Action site for The Conservative Caucus' Repeal ObamaCare Bill Project
- Sound of Hope Radio Bringing the news of freedom to Communist China
- The Separation of School & State AllianceSupporting family responsibility, not govt. control
- 60 PlusFighting to repeal the "Death Tax" (inheritance tax) for all Americans.
- 60 Second Activist Get a daily e-mail about a conservative issue which you can e-mail to your Congressman
- Joe Sobran's Newsletter & Newspaper columns "The Real News of the Month"
- Tea Party Express Tea Party Activist Organization
- Tea Party Patriots Tea Party Activist Group
- Toward Tradition Orthodox Jewish-Christian alliance defending traditional morality led by Rabbi Daniel Lapin.
- Tradition, Family, Property Defending American values
- Town Hall Heritage Foundation's conservative portal. Links to many conservative sites!
- Tyranny Response TeamSay NO to assaults on the 2nd Amendment (Archived site)
- Union Free America How to deal directly with your employer without a union
- U.S. Term Limits Fighting to limit the terms of career politicians
- The WandererExcellent Conservative Catholic Weekly Newspaper!
- The War PartyNews and commentary on promotion of war by Washington establishment
- Vision Forum Ministries Doug Phillips' organization "dedicated to the restoration of Christian family culture"
- Young Americans for Freedom Conservative Campus Activist group since 1960
YAF Campus Group Links - Young America's Foundation The Voice of Freedom on Campus - featuring great conservative speakers
- Young Conservatives of Pennsylvania They have run billboard & radio ads against legislature pay hikes!
Blogs: Conservative and Others of Interest
- Britain and America
- Doug's Blog The blog of Doug Phillips
- Flynn Files Hot news blog by author of "Intellectual Morons" and "Why the Left Hates America"
- Home School Blogger Home page features many home school blogs
- HowardPhillips.com The blog of Howard Phillips
- Instapundit
Michael Johns Analysis from a top policy strategist and conservative writer.
News Busters "Exposing and combating liberal media bias"
- No Left Turns by the Ashcroft Center
- Red State Conservative Blog
- Right Links Excellent hub for UK Conservative Bloggers
Right Wing News
- The Note by ABC News
- Wires From the Bunker by Peter Glover "News, Politics, Culture, & Faith" from the UK
Political Parties
Daily News and Commentary
Here are some of the best sources for news, commentary and analysis. Let us know if we should add your favorite.- Big Government Andrew Breitbart's' site Exposing Big Government
- CNN All Politics For political junkies
- Conservative HQ Richard Viguerie's political news & commentary site
- Cybercast News Service CNS News:"The right news. Right now."
- C-SPAN Listen or watch Congress in session, public policy meetings, and scheduled talk shows
- Drudge Report Breaking news & MANY links to the media and columnists!
- Epoch Times Excellent U.S. newspaper exposing Chinese Communism and many other topics
- Financial Times London newspaper:Many world stories not covered in U.S. papers
- Fox News More conservative than the rest
- GlobalSecurityNewsWorld-wide news (site temporarily down)
- Good News Network Positive PressWhat's happening that is constructive, not destructive!
- Hill NewsCapitol Hill newspaper
- Human Events Conservative weekly newspaper
- Info Wars "Fighting the new world order and the police state"
- Jewish World Review Great source for conservative news and columns plus Jewish culture & news
- Manchester Union Leader(New Hampshire) An excellent newspaper!
- Media Research CenterReporting on bias in the media
- NewsMaxChris Ruddy's conservative news site
- NewsWatch The first online media criticism magazine
- Pittsburgh Tribune-ReviewPittsburgh's conservative newspaper
- Politico Political reporting, founded by two Washington Post reporters
- PR NewsWireRead news releases as they are released by this wire service
- PR Web Distributes news releases for free--very useful for non-profit groups
- Rather Biased"Documenting America’s most politicized journalist"
- Reagan.comMike Reagan's site featuring key news stories
- Roll CallNewspaper reporting exclusively about Congress
- Russia and China Reform Monitor American Foreign Policy Council
- Stratfor Intelligence CenterExcellent foreign news
- USA Today
- US NewsWire Read news releases as they are released by this wire service
- Voice of AmericaInfo, schedules, transcripts & internet audio of programs
- Wall Street Journal Financial and general news and opinions
- Washington Post"Pravda-on-the-Potomac"
- Washington TimesThe conservative daily newspaper in Washington D.C.
- "Daybook" of news events in Washington D.C. at Washington Times:Scheduled news conferences, Congressional action, White House events, rallies, and more
- World Net DailyOn-line conservative daily newspaper
- Yahoo News: Reuters AP
Research Sites of Value to Conservatives
Here is a treasure trove of sites useful to conservative activists. Read the text of bills, investigate the budget to find wasteful and unconstitutional spending, find quotes by Thomas Jefferson, read historical documents, and much more. These sites are run by conservatives, liberals, individuals, governments, the liberal media, etc. but all offer valuable information often found nowhere else.- AbleChild: Parents for Label and Drug Free Education Fighting drugging and labeling of children
- Abolish Carpool Lanes! (HOV/Diamond)From Lee Rodgers' Talk Show
- ACLU Financial Privacy SiteGood info on "Know Your Customer, etc.
- American Chesterton SocietyPromoting the wit and wisdom of the 20th Century English philosopher
- American Legislative Exchange CouncilProposed bills to cut U.S. & state govt.
- Anti-Federalist Papers Historical documents warning against the threat of a powerful central government
- National ArchivesHistorical documents, etc.
- Association of American Physicians and Surgeons Excellent info on threats to freedom in health care
- Berlin Wall History Links
- Ballot Access News Newsletter reporting on 3rd party/independent ballot access
- Bilderberg 2004 Attendee List (partial listing) 2005 Full List
- Biographical Sketches of the Left"Subversive groups and their people"
- Black Box Voting Exposing the ease of tampering of electronic voting machines- with famous "chimp" video
- Brain Washing: Shocking Soviet textbook on "Psychopolitics"-- psychological warfare
- Campaigns & Elections MagazineLots of good political info
- Campaign SecretsOn-line political campaign tools
- Census BureauVarious statistics, including population and economy
- China MFN InformationArchived site
- Christian Classics Library Many Christian writings
- Chronology of U.S. Historical Documents
- Citizens Against Government Waste Read the facts about government waste
- CNN transcripts of all showsAvailable for past 10 days
- Code of Federal RegulationsSearchable database of regulations
- Early Congressional Documents 1789+ at Library of Congress
- Congressional Glossary from C-SPANUnderstand the terms used in Congress
- Congressional Pay Hike History
- Congressional Quarterly News and information about Congress
- Conservative Job Seekers GuideA service of the Heritage Foundation
- Constitution SocietyMany historical documents from early American history
- Council on Foreign Relations - 2010 Membership list * 2005 Membership List *1997 Membership list * 91-92 CFR/TC/BB List * Clinton CFR Members * 92 list
- C-SPANSchedule of C-SPAN television broadcasts
- Defend Your PrivacyExcellent info on FDIC's "Know Your Customer" & petition you can sign
- Early AmericaRead early U.S. newspapers, maps, magazines and writings
- Election Results US and Worldwide, updated daily
- Electoral Vote Polling data on House & Senate races
- Electronic EmbassyLinks to foreign embassies in Washington DC
- Electronic Voting Problems and Fraudby Rebecca Mercuri
- Embassies & Consulates in USA A list of foreign embassies
- Embassies of the USA in Foreign CountriesAll American embassies and consulates around the world.
- Federal Election CommissionCandidate expenditure & contribution info on-line
- Federalist PapersAt the Library of Congress. Searchable too!
- Federal RegisterOfficial daily regulation notices by Federal agencies
- Federal Register WatchExcellent analyses of regulations published in the Federal Register
- FedStatsA quick link to statistics from many Federal agencies
- FindLawFull text of Supreme Court opinions
- Follow The Money - National Institute on Money in State Politics
- Death of Vincent Foster: Obstruction of Justice By John H. Clarke
- Freedom of Information ActHow to use it to get government documents
- "GEET" A new invention to make cars non-polluting Private enterprise does what EPA can't--or won't!
- General Accounting OfficeReports and Congressional testimony by GAO
- Webster Hubbell telephone recordingsListen in Real Audio at C-SPAN
- Institute on Religion and Public Policy Working for religious freedom - excellent news pages
- Intern DCSource for housing in Washington, DC for interns
- International Coalition for Religious FreedomExcellent reports on threats to religious freedom around the world
- IRS Horror Story Report Form A service of the House Republican Conference
- Thomas Jefferson on Politics and Government2,100+ Jefferson quotes--searchable too!
- Kids, Drugs, Guns & "Psychopolitics"How psychiatric drugs are creating killers
- Latin America: Conservative News & LinksHispanic American Center for Economic Research
- Library of Congress
- George Mason On-Line at Gunston Hall Documents and info about George Mason
- Mathematically CorrectExposing public school's corruption of teaching math
- Meet the Press (NBC) Transcript for the most recent show
- Mega Law.com Legal website with links to state and federal laws, and court decisions.
- National Motorists AssociationDefending rights of drivers: This group got the 55MPH repealed!
- The New AmericanIn-depth news about the New World Order & much more
- Oaths of Office for President, V.P., Senators & Congressmen, and Supreme Court Justices
- Office of Management and BudgetStudy the Federal budget
- Open Debates Their goal is to replace staged presidential debates with true debates
- Oregon Institute of Science and MedicineResearch on "Global Warming" & more
- Presidential SpeechesInaugural addresses, State of the Union speeches & more from many Presidents
- Presidential Speeches on RealAudio
- Pro-Life EncyclopediaAn amazing reference at American Life League's site
- Rate Your Rep! Compare the votes of any Senator or Congressman with how YOU would vote!
- Real Clear Politics Campaign and political news & commentary
- Religion and the Founding of the American Republicat the Library of Congress
- Religious Freedom Worldwide Reports at US State Dept. Excellent country-by-country reports. 2005 report online.
- Reporters Without Borders Supporting freedom of the press worldwide
- The "Right" Search PageOur collection of the best search engines!
- SoftWar Info on Red China missile tech transfers & more
- Speed Limits:Summary of government report proving raising speed limits is safe.
- Speed Trap RegistryLearn where radar traps are located--and submit ones you know.
- Southeastern Legal FoundationConservative legal group fights for less government
- Soviet Top-Secret Document ArchiveA number of translated documents at the Library of Congress
- Sun-Tzu's The Art of War Ancient Chinese strategy guide on how to win on the battlefield, or in politics
- TeenScreen Get the facts on this growing threat to our children
- Television News Archiveon-line daily summaries of news shows 1968-now (Vanderbilt Univ.)
- Ten Planks of the Communist Manifesto Karl Marx specified how to destroy freedom--how many have been implemented in the U.S.? A "10 Planks Rating" of the US Government
- The New Dark AgeAn interesting look at the Communist origins of political correctness
- Test your knowledge of the Constitution
- Thomasat the Library of Congress. Congressional Record, full text, status, bill co-sponsors, & lots more!
- TV News & Talk Show Transcripts:
ABC News Programs
CNN News & Political Shows
Fox News Sunday
NBC Meet the Press - Trilateral Commission 2005 Membership List
- United NationsOfficial New World Order information
- U. S. CodeAll (too many!) Federal government laws
- U.S. House of RepresentativesMember web links, bill info & more
- U.S. House Leadership site
- U.S. SenateMember web links, bill info & more
- U.S. Supreme Court
- University of Michigan Documents CenterMany useful govt. documents
- VoteNetMany political resources including e-mailed Congressional votes & free web sites
- What is the Frankfurt School? An intriguing article on Marxism's Trojan Horse in America
- 8000 letters written by George Washington 1741-1799At the Library of Congress
- The Papers of George WashingtonSeveral are available on-line
- The White House Executive Branch information, speeches, & more. It is searchable
- The Whitewater Archives Lots of information on Clinton scandals
- The Ultimate Pro-Life Resource Kit Comprehensive right to life resources
International Conservative Sites
Websites dedicated to freedom and the preservation of conservative principles around the world. Let us know of other important sites that we should feature.Canada
- Canadian Action Party Opposing the North American Union/SPP merger of the US, Canada & Mexico
- Canadian Alliance of Home Schoolers Promoting home schooling in Canada
- Canadian Conservative Forum Lots of writings and links from our right-thinking neighbors
- The Council of Canadians Opposing the North American Union/SPP merger of the US, Canada & Mexico
- The Fraser Institute Canadian conservative think tank promoting individual liberty and economic freedom.
- Mel Hurtig "Dispatches from a Canadian Patriot", he is an opponent of the North American Union
- Vive le Canada Anti-NAU
- China E-Lobby Excellent news & analysis relating to China
- China News on the Free net
- Government Information Office Official website of the free Chinese (Taiwan) government
- Chinese links at Democracy.org.hk
- Epoch Times U.S. newspaper exposing Chinese Communism and other topics
- Human rights in China and Tibet Links
- 10th anniversary of Tiananmen Square:Sign a petition for freedom!
- Human Rights In China Chinese freedom fighter and human rights info, in English. Beijing finds this site very dangerous.
- Tiananmen Mothers Campaign Justice for the victims
- Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party of China
- Tibet Government in Exile Also Dalai Lama links
- Central Tibet Administration of the Dalai Lama
- Students for a Free Tibet
- www.Phayul.com
- Save Tibet
- www.desdecuba.com/generationy A Blog on daily life in Cuba!
- South China Morning Post (SCMP) Hong Kong paper covers China & Asia
- NOT The South China Morning Post Sometimes has news which SCMP omits and censors. They expose the pro-Communist slant & censorship at SCMP.
- Hong Kong Voice of DemocracyExcellent source for news about Human Rights in Red China. Join their E-mail news list too!
- Hong Kong Human Rights Monitor
- Iran Dokht Real news from Iran, written by Iranian women
- United Kurdish Voice Excellent source of news regarding Iraq, Iran, and the oppression against Kurds.
- World Social Forum, Mexico Anti-globalist, anti NAFTA/SPP organization.
- Democracy Network against North Korea N. Korean defectors promote human rights
- North Korea Freedom Coalition Coalition of Korean and U.S. groups to free N. Korea
- Network for North Korean Democracy and Human Rights
- The Daily N.K. News and commentary about North Korea
- One Free Korea Pro-freedom blog with news from N.K.
- U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea Includes detailed reports of NK gulags
- Campaign for an Independent BritainInformative site dedicated to getting the UK out of the EU
- Charter 88British group opposing threats to freedom
- UK Independence Party British party dedicated to restoring British sovereignty and pulling out of the European Union.
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