Seeing the Elephant . . . Years ago it was common to call the first time in combat as 'seeing the elephant', for combat was unlike anything ever seen or experienced. John Winthrop's shining city on the hill has been witness to something never seen or experienced in almost fifty years. State Senator Scott Brown from Wrentham has literally walked the state and shook nearly every hand in the Commonwealth. He defeated a democrat in the race to fill the US Senate seat once occupied by the likes of Webster, Adams, President Kennedy, and of course his baby brother, Edward. As my daughter observed, “he even gave a shout out to Doug Flutie.”
Like seeing the elephant or entering combat for the first time, the Commonwealth was both shocked and engaged. Men and women long slumbered by one party rule are young again and headed out into freezing weather to wave signs and make new friends (or renew old friendships). Brown signs were stolen from one residence and placed on more prominent property easily viewed by traffic. Elderly town committee members laughed like kids and volunteered to telephone wavering independents and depressed democrats into firing a 'Scott' heard round the world.
What was behind this stunning momentum run of Scott Brown? Let’s just name a few items:
- $787 Billion "stimulus" - bill not even read
- $1.8 Trillion dollar debt for FY09 alone
- Government takeover of Chrysler/GM
- Attempt at "Cap & Tax"
- Attempt to take over healthcare
- Attack - Ordinary Americans who oppose this agenda at Town halls and Tea Party rallies where the elite called them "Mobs", Nazi's, "racists", "haters" - Both verbally and physically
- Hello SIEU
- Open bribery of congresspersons.
The ultimate criticism in politics is when a registered voter of one party votes for the candidate of the other party in an election. I applaud those Kennedy democrats who voted for Scott Brown. Brother Robert said it best... "The sharpest criticism often goes hand in hand with the deepest idealism and love of country." — Robert F. Kennedy
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow's words are paraphrased from childhood, "Listen my children and gather 'round, of the insurgent campaign of Scott Brown. It was 19 January in 2010 and suddenly the Commonwealth is alive, again." Ladies and gentlemen of the Commonwealth thank you for making this happen.
We have seen the elephant, a resurgent elephant-small 'r' republicanism.
God Bless the USA.
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