Friday, June 20, 2014

I don't belive you! We don't believe you!

I'm watching the hearings in Washington regarding the IRS targeting conservative groups.  We've heard that it was just a couple of rouge agents -- don't worry.  Lois Lerner takes the 5th -- don't worry.  A few emails have been lost but -- don't worry.  The  hard drive where these emails were stored was destroyed (the dog ate my home work) -- don't worry.  Where are the backup tapes from the server?  Oh, a few more hard drives crashed with the back up emails -- don't worry.  The Democrats that sit on this hearing ask no questions but, instead, espouse the goodness of the IRS -- don't worry.  And then, VP Candidate Paul Ryan, says:

“You are the Internal Revenue Service,” he said. “You can reach into the lives of hard-working taxpayers and with a phone call, an e-mail or a letter you can turn their lives upside down. You ask taxpayers to hand onto seven years of their personal tax information in case they are ever audited and you can’t keep six months worth of employee e-mails? And now that we are seeing this investigation, you don’t have the e-mails, hard drives crashed. You learned about this months ago. You just told us, and we had to ask you on Monday.”

My only conclusion is that if it good for the gander it is good for the geese. 

I've lost all my financial records.  No need to file for taxes since this is a valid excuse in the eyes of the IRS. 

As with the problems in Iraq, the soon to be problems in Afghanistan, the cover up of Benghazi, the IRS, the complete violation of law that we called Libya, the failed exchange of 5 bad guys for one bad guy etc. etc. etc., the answer is the same. 


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